Would You like SWOP to Present at Your College or School?

SWOP-Chicago regularly conducts presentations at local colleges and universities. If you would like to submit a request for someone to speak about our organization at your school, please include the following information-

-Name of class and topic you would like us to speak on. Please be as specific as possible. We receive many requests to speak about “sex worker rights” and “legalization of prostitution”, but these are very general topics. It would help us if you would give details on how our presentation would fit into the curriculum of your class.

-Date, time, and approximately how many students in class

– Honorarium being offered. We field a significant amount of requests from colleges each year and the time it takes to prepare a presentation, travel and time costs to us is too great at this point to do perform this service without compensation. We’re sorry we have to insist on this, but we are a volunteer-based organization so none of us is on a payroll.

-Chicago-area schools only. Suburban locations are acceptable within a 30-mile radius of the city.

Please submit presentation requests to-

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