SWOP-Chicago Projects

Condom Distribution  Legal Clinic   Street Outreach    PROS Network    Trainings

Condom Distribution

Our condom distribution program is part of a larger effort to encourage safer, healthier practices among individuals involved in the sex trade through promotion and support for peer-education and networking, training for social service organizations that includes harm-reduction strategies for clients involved in the sex trade, an online “Ask a Question” application, distribution of print materials, and web-based information about free condoms & STI/HIV testing health and human services, and comprehensive harm reduction advice.

If you’d like to get a bag or box of condoms to distribute at an event or to friends or for personal use, email info@swop-chicago.org. We’ll make it happen, no questions asked!

Street Outreach

SWOP-Chicago is devoted to the supporting and ensuring the inclusion of all individuals involved in the Chicagoland sex trade. In September 2013, we began conducting street outreach to help meet the immediate needs of street-based workers, directly incorporate the voices of this group in our messaging, and work towards making our activities and advocacy more inclusive of and accessible and relevant to this population.

Currently, we are conducting outreach every week in Rogers Park, East Garfield Park, and  Lakeview.


PROS Network Chicago

On May 8, 2013 SWOP-Chicago launched “The PROS Network,” a directory of direct service providers and legal, medical and mental health professionals who are capable of providing non-judgmental, client-centric and harm reduction-oriented services to individuals in the sex trade.

The purpose of the PROS Network is to connect individuals that by choice, circumstance or coercion, engage in sexual activities in exchange for money or other survival needs to non-judgmental and culturally appropriate services and resources. Currently, over thirty health-care, counseling, and harm-reduction practitioners and agencies (including Howard Brown, Chicago Women’s Health Center, Chicago Recovery Alliance, Transformative Justice Law Project, and Rape Victim Advocates) have signed on as members of our PROS Network.

If you are a helping professional or represent an agency and are interested in joining the PROS Network, please email prosnetworkchicago@gmail.com for more information. Signing PROS Network Partners can fill out an e-contract here, or they can request a printable form to be emailed or mailed to them.

If you are a current/former sex worker, please recommend a few of your favorite resources here!


SWOP-Chicago creates and presents trainings on cultural competency, sex work 101, laws and  legal rights, and more. Our trainings are available for students, mental health professionals, medical staff, agency staff and volunteers, and STD-testers about sex work and ways to better service individuals involved in the sex trade. If you are interested in having SWOP-Chicago present for your class, agency, group or clinic, please contact info@swop-chicago.org.

If you are a sex worker or ally who would like to participate in giving trainings, please contact info@swop-chicago.org


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